Yesterday I helped a friend with making the most of her Apple machines.
Because schools tend to keep their computers for years, there are still more Apple machines in schools than there are any other brand.
Because it had a dedicated processor, rather than any form of software emulation, this system ran at nearly the same speed as an equivalent Apple machine.
If it is something you just have to use then I have quite perhaps bought my last Apple machine.
Some Apple machines have a manual voltage selector that allows you to choose 110 or 220 volts.
Windows users will buy Apple machines to run Windows.
All the Apple machines are tailored to run the company's special digital media software for editing home videos, burning CD's and the like.
The most interesting thing here is that Apple machines are now seem as a legitimate target.
One of them is a version of Excel, its leading spreadsheet that currently runs only on Apple machines.
But despite the claims of their increasingly strident fanatics, Apple machines are by no means immune to problems, including crashes that require rebooting the machine.