Amazon almost surely saw this coming, which was likely the reason it introduced its new royalty model just days before the Apple event.
Needless to say, we want one of these to help get us through our coverage of live Apple events.
I don't know why news sites keep trying to predict Apple events and hardware releases based on past years.
This isn't a problem new to people traveling to cover Apple events, of course.
This almost happened to Ars with the most recent Apple event.
Still, the company's stock turned downward after the Apple event and closed at $67.21, off 1.6 percent.
We may be more than halfway into September with no traditional Apple event yet scheduled, but that doesn't mean the news has been slow.
The engine's grand coming out party happened later, at an Apple event this September.
We moved the show because tomorrow's the Apple event, as we always do.
There's nothing like an Apple event for driving traffic.