But what Apple probably considered an appropriately judicious pace seemed agonizingly slow to me at the time.
Apple may start putting the revised bumper in the box and consider the antenna issue closed.
In the mid 1980s, Apple considered buying Xerox; however, a deal was never reached.
Mr. Cue said that Apple might consider a subscription service in the future, but it has no plans to do so now.
Apple apparently considers it a way to expand its software to a new population of a million machines.
Apple considers the updated battery its most innovative new feature.
Apple initially considered the issue a minor defect, but later began shipping these iPods with protective sleeves.
However, we're not entirely convinced Apple would consider this upgrade, even with the improved backside illumination.
I'm actually surprised Apple hasn't considered a larger display since the device is very popular for gaming.
At the time, Apple was not considering Next, and Jobs made no sales pitch.