And frankly, I asked him to also maybe take a look at some other applications, like Apple Safari, that may in fact have exactly the same behavior.
In August 2012 Microsoft removed Apple Safari from the first tier and replaced it with Maxthon.
So it's too bad, of all the major browsers, Apple Safari is the only that isn't currently supporting it.
I wanted to mention that Apple Safari had a major update, both for Windows and Mac, to something past 3.2 - probably 3.3.
A web browser like Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari can be used to view web pages on the Internet.
A similar but unrelated extension provides the same functionality in Apple Safari.
Early versions of some web browsers such as Apple Safari had problems with streaming connections.
Examples of such browsers include Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 9, and Apple Safari.
Apple Safari on Mountain Lion was not targeted as no teams showed up.
Apple Safari (version 5 and higher)