Graffiti was also implemented on the Apple Newton.
Assistant technology similar to Apple Newton's approach.
They initially published productivity software for the Apple Newton.
The Apple Newton came out about the same time, late 1993, but both products failed, partly due to poor character recognition software.
It failed to develop the handheld at a time when it had a head start over such poor offerings as the Apple Newton.
He killed off weak products such as the Apple Newton, dramatically simplified the product line and started a process of creating eye-catching designs.
And, notably, there's a version in the works for the Apple Newton and whatever Microsoft eventually comes up with.
Here's an excellent article on the subject of the Apple Newton: http://www.spammy site you can't see!
It lacked most features that the Apple Newton included, but had a lower price at $450.
Apple Newton, a brand of personal digital assistant.