On Friday, Apple Bank released a statement saying that there had been no malfunction.
The Apple Bank occupies the entire block between 73rd and 74th Streets.
But the bank, Apple Bank, said yesterday that no malfunction had occurred.
He achieved great distinction in business both as a successful real estate investor and as owner of Apple Bank.
Apple Bank is now supplying the $2,000 of scholarship money.
Apple Bank for Savings is raising the yield on a six-month certificate 9 basis points, to 2.95 percent.
Apple Bank got it with an adjustable rate loan that was equivalent to 9.75 percent.
Apple Bank for Savings proposes to pay $21.50 a share.
Apple Bank is the 13th-largest savings institution in New York based on deposits.
The broker found that Apple Bank would approve their loan even though only about 35 percent of the units had been sold.