Appendix H is not available because of sensitive data.
The data in Appendix H were digitized manually using an xy grid with coordinate values in the range 0-1000.
Each polygon or zone is identified by its zone identifier (Znn in Appendix H) and the number of bounding line segments is given.
Appendix H--United States Mint 1.
Spencer shows drawings of the pin in Appendix I (following Appendix H) of his autobiography along with published descriptions of its uses.
Appendix H is a model standard agreement, which is provided in the food contract when the Audit Program is offered as an elective.
Appendix H (PDF)
Appendix H: Survey.
The complete list of recommendations is presented in Appendix H according to the entity or entities to which each recommendation is directed.
In Appendix H, the recommendations are listed by entity.