Soon afterwards Anthony Grant was hired as the new Head Coach.
The team's head coach was Anthony Grant, who entered his second season after posting a 17-15 record in his inaugural season.
Anthony Grant is an American basketball coach.
The Head Coach was Anthony Grant, who was in his first year.
Next to a large picture of the Rams' first-year coach, Anthony Grant, the sign reads: "94 feet, both ways."
Anthony Grant, 37 West 57th Street, (212)755-0434, through Sept. 17.
"I think the clock just ran out," Virginia Commonwealth Coach Anthony Grant said.
Anthony Grant, Florida's assistant coach, lost a child and nearly lost his wife, Chris, during labor two years ago.
He continued to lead Alabama as acting interim head coach until March 27, when it was announced that the school had hired Anthony Grant.
In his first year as head coach, Anthony Grant led the Rams to a school-record 28 wins.