The various Antarctic species may have either used the same route, or traveled down the west coast of Africa.
Scientists from that agency and its Polish counterpart assessed the impact of harvesting fish and krill, a tiny plankton-eating shrimp that provide food for seals, fish, penguins, whales and many other Antarctic species.
The research "is absolutely essential if the United States is to have any hand in controlling the Soviet harvesting of Antarctic marine species," he said.
This warming trend, he says, has been particularly pronounced during the winter-"crunch time" for many key Antarctic species.
A review of Antarctic species of the genus Careproctus (Liparididae) and notes on the Carcinophilic species of this genus.
Although many of the Antarctic species have antifreeze proteins in their body fluids, not all of them do.
As the chilly subantarctic waters averages -1 to 4 C, most Antarctic species have antifreeze glycoproteins in their blood and other body fluids.
"In the case of Antarctic species, some overexploited populations remain at less than 5% pre-exploitation abundance after 30 years," says Constable.
Veronica, Antarctic species of.
Odontaster validus is much less sensitive to higher water temperatures than the other Antarctic marine species on which it feeds which mostly find temperatures above 3 C lethal.