Annie Duke finished fourth in the limit Hold'em championship, a noteworthy showing for most folks.
Annie Duke, professional poker player, lived here with her husband.
Annie Duke receiving 2 million dollars.
The comedy series was based on the life of Annie Duke, a professional poker player.
He answered every question correctly and was one of only seven mob members to survive to the next show, as was Annie Duke.
Annie Duke was angered that Claudia left for the night because she had such a pivotal role in the task.
Annie Duke got another donation of $20,000, raising a total of $265,000.
Annie Duke was given credit for her intelligence, professionalism, ruthlessness, game strategy, and overall effectiveness of performance throughout the season.
Another interesting note is that Annie Duke was the winning project manager on the eight task, but would go on to be defeated by Joan.
Annie Duke, on the other hand, was 7-4 and 2-0 as project manager.