Typical is La Mama's Annex Theater at 66 East Fourth Street.
How does the La Mama Annex Theater begin to approach the grandeur suggested by those Greek ruins?
It apparently worked as the composer's epilepsy subsided a few years after Little Boy was first performed at Seattle's Annex Theater in 1988.
But its American debut program, seen on Thursday at La Mama's Annex Theater, suggested that the group could use some slightly more sophisticated and fresh choreography.
A production of Bent ran at the Annex Theatre in Toronto, produced by Upstart Crow Theatre Company.
It is located in a former church building that is also home to the historic landmark Bathurst Street Theatre and the adjoining Annex Theatre.
From the sides of the Annex Theater of LaMama E.T.C., deep, bass vocalizations emerged.
His play "The Takeover Clause" was produced by Open Mind Productions in Toronto at the Annex Theatre.
Daisey's first play The Moon Is a Dead World premiered at the Annex Theatre in Seattle, Washington on 17 October 2008.
The neighborhood boasts a number of small performing arts theaters, including the Erickson Theater, the Balagan Theater, and the Annex Theater.