Anglo-Saxon tradition says that once married, the peace-weaver's duties and loyalties lie first and foremost with her new husband.
For a long time the arts were confined to visual and performing arts in the Anglo-Saxon tradition.
This is the alternative to the Anglo-Saxon tradition which sees design as a value added to the product.
There is a long Anglo-Saxon tradition of using family specific surnames as first and middle names.
Situating herself within the Anglo-Saxon analytic tradition, she looks at different conceptions of philosophy, its content and methods.
He is no less at home in Continental philosophy and social theory than in the Anglo-Saxon tradition.
Other evangelicals, perhaps particularly from an Anglo-Saxon tradition, may be less consistent, speaking also of what is found in 'nature'.
"But there is an Anglo-Saxon tradition separating banking and commerce," he says.
The associated ritual is very similar to midsummer celebrations in the Anglo-Saxon tradition.
On the one hand, there is the Anglo-Saxon tradition, characterised by laissez-faire and open market principles.