Churches in the Continuing Anglican movement that use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer (or the various missals based upon it) also observe Septuagesima.
Many of the bishops and leaders of the Continuing Anglican movement are past students and graduates of St. Andrew's.
Bishop Doren is regarded as, in effect, the "Primus" of the four bishops consecrated for the Continuing Anglican movement.
It is these consecrations which began what would become the multi-jurisdictional Continuing Anglican movement.
The effort was aimed at overcoming disunity in the Continuing Anglican movement.
Most of these churches are associated with the Continuing Anglican movement or the movement for Anglican realignment.
The two main movements in opposition to the developments within the Episcopal Church are generally referred to as the Continuing Anglican movement and Anglican realignment.
Chambers was a founder of the Continuing Anglican movement.
Anglican Orthodox Church, a denominations of the Continuing Anglican movement in the United States.
The following seminaries are associated with the Continuing Anglican movement: