East was Andrew Moss of Manhattan, who was a few hours short of his 20th birthday and the youngest player in the semifinal.
After this, she gave birth to her first child, Rhys (Andrew Moss).
On the diagramed deal Andrew Moss, as South, arrived in six no-trump after a sophisticated auction.
The youngest player in the event is 17-year-old Andrew Moss, who is due to be crowned "King of Bridge" next week.
The winner is Andrew Moss, 18 years old, who owns more than 400 master points, nearly all of them won in major events.
Well, in the studio tonight is Andrew Moss from the Oxford Health Authority.
Over the past few years, Aviva's chief executive Andrew Moss has looked to simplify the group's global structure.
Mercedes has a brief relationship with Rhys Ashworth (Andrew Moss).
Andrew Moss, chief executive, continues to he happy with the company's strategy and is confident that eurozone leaders will ultimately find a solution to the crisis.
His successor was Andrew Moss, the former group finance director.