Other Andersen tales about household objects include "The Shirt Collar", and "The Teapot".
There are many riveting characters and much soft humor, and it's nice for children to see an Andersen tale enacted.
"Shunkin" does not refer to the Andersen tale.
As always, she will tell an Andersen tale.
Like the girl in the Andersen tale, Vicky chooses death, consumed by her determination to dance.
But it is also less sly because this "Red Shoes" is now on its own and works mainly as a retelling of the Andersen tale.
In the Andersen tale, a duckling is harassed because of his homeliness.
Like other Andersen tales, its "triumphant conclusion is offset by a pathos of tone."
It's all very elegant and at moments poetic, yet the weakness of Corder's ballet is its unwillingness to confront the perverse, eldritch terrors of the Andersen tale.
I think that the exercise that is being prepared at Amsterdam is ridden with perils and makes us think of the famous Andersen tale about the emperor and his new clothes.