Andersen Windows may have to introduce a ceiling-mounted drive-in movie screen to compete.
Among sponsors were corporations like Philips, the lighting company, and Andersen Windows.
"I don't like the idea that they're cutting out these kids' jobs," said Mr. Harrington, who is 68 and retired from his sales job at Andersen Windows.
Sources Information about window makers is available at 800 numbers or via the Web: Andersen Windows, (800) 426-4261;
Andersen Windows 3110.
Andersen Windows places computers in retail stores, where customers can design factory-made windows in an almost infinite variety of shapes and sizes.
The wood fibers are reclaimed directly from the Andersen Windows manufacturing operations.
Andersen Windows, Inc.
(The project has 26 other sponsors, from Andersen Windows to Woolite Carpet Cleaner.)
This Old House is also underwritten by State Farm Insurance and Andersen Windows, Inc.