One meeting of the Andean Pact, of which Peru was a leading member, had already been cancelled.
The trade bloc was called the Andean Pact until 1996 and came into existence with the signing of the Cartagena Agreement in 1969.
In 1969 the Andean Pact was founded by Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.
The meeting in Caracas was the last of a series of five meetings planned in February 1989 to reactivate the Andean Pact.
Acuerdo de Cartagena (Andean Pact): Founded: 1969, to accelerate the harmonious development of the members through economic and social integration.
A summit of the Andean Pact was held in the Galapagos Islands on Dec. 17-18, 1989.
Venezuela and Colombia account for about 70 percent of the trade within the Andean Pact.
We only need think about Mercosur or the Andean Pact.
Cooperation on drugs must be broadened to parts of Latin America other than the countries of the Andean Pact alone.
The group created a free trade area called the Andean Pact in 1992.