Some analysts had calculated the timber company's worth at more than $600 million.
Analysts calculate that those offerings will have a total value of more than $20 billion.
Analysts calculated that blacks were stopped 23 percent more often than whites.
Analysts calculate that operating margins on supplies are about 25 percent.
Economic analysts calculate that the "multiplier effect" of these activities will be an additional 2,782 jobs.
Some analysts calculate that by being priced in sterling, British stocks will be at a disadvantage.
Using historical performance, analysts then calculate the probability the company will deliver this performance.
Democratic analysts on the Joint Economic Committee calculated more than $76,000 as an average tax cut.
Some analysts calculate that the dollar would have to strengthen to $1.08 to the euro, from $1.15 now, for the final contracts to be signed.
Every political analyst calculates and writes about "the caste factor" in election campaigns.