Something to do with the Anaconda Company?
The Anaconda Company came to Colombia about four years ago and started buying up agribusinesses.
We're still checking on the Anaconda Company, but so far it stands up as legit.
Despite the dominance of the Anaconda Company, Butte was never a company town.
In 1929, the Anaconda Company took over the business and operated it until 1975 when the plant closed down.
He was a retired engineer for the Anaconda Company who donated his engineering skills to the project.
The Anaconda Company controlled the economic and political dealings throughout Montana well into the mid-1900s.
As the state's largest employer, the Anaconda Company dominated Montana politics.
In 1919, Gracie resists the powerful Anaconda Company as they attempt to bully her into sell her property.
It was later found out to be a brush with the politics of The Anaconda Company.