During the week of the Republican National Convention, Amtrak riders will not be able to simply walk up to the ticket window and buy a seat.
In the meantime, New Jersey Transit and Amtrak riders will continue to share the new waiting areas, though not equally.
They have already introduced specialized advertising campaigns to target Amtrak riders, business readers and Brooks Brothers customers.
Friday was a difficult day for Amtrak riders.
On a stifling afternoon a few days ago, dozens of Amtrak riders waited in a cramped, well-worn rail station without air-conditioning or a snack bar.
As an Amtrak rider, this occurs to me from time to time.
I suggest that Amtrak riders make do on sandwiches and drinks in the cafe car.
It sounds like the dream of an Amtrak rider the night after a really bad trip home.
This causes Amtrak riders delays, yields poor on-time performance, and provides passengers will little assurance that they will get to their destination on time.
Janet McKee, a regular Amtrak rider, had a beauty.