There is information on two Amerindian tribes inhabiting the area before the colonial era.
Arouca may be a corruption of Arauca, an Amerindian tribe.
Nearly every Amerindian tribe developed its own particular shape of shoe, the simplest and most primitive being those of the far north.
There are 15 uncontacted Amerindian tribes in Peru.
The original Island Carib population were forced to defend their island against other Amerindian tribes.
In prehistoric times, the man who would come to be known as Centurious was the prince of an Amerindian tribe.
The Patamonas, an Indigenous Amerindian tribe, are involved in farming, hunting and mining.
Many Amerindian tribes would swipe the frogs' backs with their blowdarts to provide a much more successful hunt.
Anguilla was first settled by Amerindian tribes who migrated from South America.
The church and its missionaries established contact with the numerous Amerindian tribes.