The moves come as Hollywood officials are still fighting to get their own American-made movies shown here.
Mr. Deus Pinheiro said he was not trying to limit distribution of American-made movies.
The report showed that the average American visited the cinema 3.9 times annually, with 98.7 percent of the box-office takings going to American-made movies.
There was no sign of a spontaneous protest against an American-made movie denigrating Islam's Prophet Muhammad.
Miss Cherrill starred in several other American-made movies in the early 1930's and met Cary Grant at a film premiere.
He has played himself in an American-made movie called "Endurance."
Cassettes are also in demand in Teheran, whose austere Islamic regime bans most American-made movies.
He said the company was racing to lock up distribution deals with overseas television and cable companies for its American-made movies and TV programs.
The Sony Corporation, which is widely rumored to be interested in such an acquisition, has started its own division that produces and distributes American-made movies.
During world trade talks, France fought for the right to continue taxing American-made movies and to subsidize its own film industry.