In 1991, the American-led attack on Iraq was perceived the world round as a wondrous demonstration of military skill.
The deployment raised the prospect of the first major American-led attack against Iraq since the war.
Only Kuwait has explicitly backed a possible American-led attack.
Still, only Syria, among former gulf war allies, has said outright that it would oppose any American-led attack.
More recently he has said the world will not have to wait much longer than Jan. 15 for an American-led attack.
The decision appeared to be a big step in clearing the way for an American-led attack across Iraq's northern border.
But the next to last thing they want is to be associated with an American-led attack against the population of an Arab country.
He expressed dismay at the prospect that those institutions might be swamped by an American-led military attack.
Civilians have died in six different American-led attacks near here since Nov. 15, the villagers say.
The headquarters in Afghanistan has been damaged, but not yet destroyed, by the American-led attacks.