It is not clear which forces would be willing to stay in place without the American umbrella.
These officials also fear a negative reaction from some Western European allies, who may see their American nuclear umbrella about to be lost.
In this scenario the American nuclear umbrella was both necessary and sufficient.
The benefits of the American nuclear umbrella are less obvious without a real and present Soviet threat.
Most of them, however, like our allies and other countries whose security ultimately depends on the American nuclear umbrella, are simply troubled.
We have all been dreaming of our glorious history, while huddling under the American nuclear umbrella.
In any case, they note, Japan falls under the American nuclear umbrella.
It was only after 1945, under the American umbrella, that West Germany found its proper place, as part of the Western world.
She remained dedicated to the American nuclear umbrella over the west.
In 1984 Britain and Germany were quaking under the American nuclear umbrella.