Travel experts say this holiday season has also benefited by the changing pattern of American travel.
Since 2002, American travel to Europe has been steadily picking up, with 12.5 million visiting last year.
"We did a lot of research to see what kind of American travels to India," he said.
Current members are judged as among the most reliable American travel and business partners.
I have had guns pointed at me in this area and many aliens from central American travel through this here.
Mohonk, like its brethren, was built during a pivotal era in American travel.
At the edge of some aspects of American travel, the service charge added to the tab can be seen working its way in.
Airlines have had to raise their fares in recent months to make up for a decline in American travel.
So far, however, Europeans have not cut back significantly on American travel.
A strong euro has made American travel cheap this summer for European tourists.