Dark rumors fill the vacuum of ignorance about an institution that has largely vanished from American textbooks.
She believes that American textbooks cover too much information at too superficial a level.
The first American textbook on prematurity was published in 1922.
They got away from the American textbooks and found activities derived from the Philippine culture.
As for Miranda, he did not live long enough to see his name become part of American legal textbooks and television culture.
Surgical procedures devised by him are described in the standard British and American textbooks of urological surgery.
In 2006, he and Campbell 'Canadianized' a leading American textbook on ideologies.
It was almost taken for granted until fairly recently that western, and particularly American, textbooks should be used in professional education in the Third World.
The greatest demand is for American textbooks, followed by scientific and technical books.
The importance of focusing on a manageable instance was well brought out in an American textbook on statistics written many years ago.