Others saw the film as a terrifying commentary on the American tendency to purchase success with obscene amounts of money.
The American tendency is to underscore what it already up there.
He is aware of the American tendency to value everything only for the use it serves, and his sculptures are fiercely anti-functional.
The Japanese also criticize what they say is an American tendency to blame others for these problems.
It is a matter of foreign policy, of course, but it is as well an old American tendency to hold out a helping hand.
But given the American tendency to think short-term and build cheap, it's a wonder there weren't more narrow-gauge lines.
This exemplifies an American tendency to inflate the inconsequential.
Baseball has been a complex repository of many, often contradictory, American tendencies since its establishment in the middle of the 19th century.
My guess is that this campaign has less to do with politics and economics than with an American tendency to mind everybody else's business.
Fulbright also related his opposition to any American tendencies to intervene in the affairs of other nations: