This unit was the first American regiment of mountain troops.
Another team switched around road signs and sent an entire American regiment in the wrong direction.
Altogether, the 369th spent 191 days on the front lines, which was the longest of any American regiment.
A series of counterattacks the next morning were also defeated by both American regiments, and the position held.
Well anyway this regiment was rebuilt as American regiments always are by the replacement system.
Historically, it was one of a few segregated African American regiments.
Soon after dawn the three American regiments had gathered close to the jungle's edge, concealed by the lush growth.
He then obtained a commission in the 60th or royal American regiment, of which he was for some time an adjutant.
Kuwait will stand alone, at the top of the Gulf, with its own forces and this American regiment, and then we shall see about that.
It involved all or part of 16 American regiments and thousands of Filipinos.