American production is expected to increase by 23 percent this year from 1987.
Now, the figure is over $400 million a year, with American productions responsible for almost all of the increase.
How does he think the American production will play?
As with oil, American production of natural gas is no longer enough to meet domestic demand.
"I would like to have come in nine months ago," he said of the American production.
The total American production was about 14,000, of which 9,500 were for local customers and the rest exported.
Seven other American productions, including a tour, are scheduled for 1994.
Getting enough oil up and out to increase American production dramatically is another matter.
American productions on the mainland have been rare, but China has become more open.
The new plant is scheduled to open in 1989 and would bring total American production to 510,000 cars a year, from the current 360,000.