The negotiations were successful and in exchange for compensation, the tribes recognized the American ownership of the tract.
In other words, it represents a net addition to our productivity, not a subtraction from American ownership.
However, for a while they were popular with American clients because of their American ownership.
I find it revealing that the export of American ownership should be a major item in free trade negotiations.
Since 1976 The company was purchased and was in an American ownership.
But by the time both passed from American ownership in the 1980's, these venerable companies had been through tough times.
With that transaction, the last of aboriginal Olompali passed into American ownership.
This continued until 1846, when the land on which the fort was located changed from British to American ownership.
That section requires that contracts be awarded to air carriers with American ownership of 50 percent or more.
She was sold back into American ownership after the Great War and resumed her original name.