What happens when you take three American kids and throw them in a classroom 5,000 miles from home where they can't speak the language?
One way or another, the American kids had news to report, and they were all too happy to do it.
American kids have no clue how the rest of the world lives.
Depression clouds the days of one in every 40 American kids.
Like football is in the blood of most American kids.
This went on for a couple of years until finally the young people decided that if American kids could do it, why couldn't they?
Maybe the liquor people thought that after what they saw in the political campaign this year American kids can take anything.
Say you were a middle-class American white kid in 1964.
Just another American kid being given two weeks on the beach.
He'd also learn to appreciate his country more than most American kids, and that, she thought, was a good thing.