The rings appeared to be handmade Native American or Mexican costume jewelry.
The core collection is native American jewelry, basketry, pottery and paintings assembled in the 1940's, with traditional Hispanic art added later.
Two Manhattan museums on the same block are currently presenting lavish exhibitions of historical American jewelry.
"We asked, 'What is it about American jewelry that is reflective of us?' "
He emerged as this country's foremost popularizer of Native American Indian jewelry.
American Indian jewelry is once again a desirable collectible because of its powerful simplicity.
His passion was folk art, but he also collected cast gold American jewelry made in Newark between 1850 and 1920.
Hamilton Jewelers is an American fine jewelry, luxury timepiece and home decor company.
Moreover, with the decline in the dollar, the local-currency prices of American jewelry have fallen more in those regions than in others.
He often wore Native American jewelry and cowboy hats.