A recurring theme of American historiography is the "loss of American innocence."
It depicts an American innocence lost with the advent of the cold war and multinational capitalism.
In his performances of original songs that are richly laced with baseball history and lore, the game emerged as a metaphor for a lost American innocence.
His photographs are 100 percent American innocence.
His fiction provides a bracing corrective to American innocence about our image abroad.
There was too much hatred out there, and too many means of destruction to keep the bubble of American innocence from bursting.
He thought the French indecent and their language an intricate trap laid for American innocence.
Erickson enjoyed an uncluttered childhood during a period of American innocence.
He has "created a resonant parable of American innocence and disillusion" (Kakutani).
They made numerous appearances at war bond rallies and they entertained troops, who seemed to regard them as the epitome of American innocence.