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If ever a challenge was issued to American educators and business people, this was it.
American educators are trying almost anything to keep children in school.
John Phillips (1719-1795) was an early American educator and patron of schools.
Incentives are also on the minds of a growing number of American educators and political leaders.
As a leading American educator of his time, he could rest assured that this view was also routinely taught in the schools.
Twenty years later, the need to teach values is high on the agenda of American educators and politicians.
American educators typically respond with yawns - and a series of myths.
How can American educators do a better job of deciding when a child is ready to start school and perhaps even redesign kindergarten itself?
The book was commonly found in the homes and libraries of American educators in the 19th century.
American educators and even some foreign ones say the visa difficulties are helping foreign schools increase their share of the market.