The same tactic worked in negotiations with China earlier this year over the protection of American copyrights and trademarks and resulted in a last-minute agreement.
For instance, greater protection abroad of American copyrights on computer programs would mean a larger market for American companies.
The American copyright of the five earliest novels has expired in the United States, and they appear on a number of free e-text sites.
Mr. Gupta cleared his throat and asked a question about American copyrights.
It was not until in the 1830s that the pressure to extend American copyright to foreign authors first developed.
The Bush Administration told Thailand today that it would consider imposing retaliatory tariffs unless the country takes steps to improve the protection of American copyrights.
The American copyright had lapsed in 1953, which eventually led to a proliferation of versions being released on video.
The dissidents said the legislation, which protects American copyrights of artistic and literary works, would force Thailand to bow to American bullying.
The American copyright of the novel is currently set to expire on January 1, 2022.
After their divorce in 1990, she pursued the ownership of the American copyright in a number of court cases, but her claims were rejected.