During this period he was introduced to American cartoons.
And, he adds, "in a few years, even Vietnam could be turning out American cartoons."
Unlike American cartoons, anime is often made for adults, and often deal with more serious themes.
The scientist, who has appeared as himself several times in the popular American cartoon, said it was the most common misconception people had about his work.
It is not clear whether there was any direct connection between this and the "Greenshirts" of the American cartoon.
In American cartoons, facial expressions and mouth movements are fluid.
And it's high camp, as opposed to American cartoons, whose lantern-jawed heroes have no idea how ridiculous they look running around in tights.
The common snapper was the central feature of a famous American political cartoon.
She couldn't make out ducks, cats and mice in American cartoons either.
He introduced into American cartoons the practice of modernizing scenes from Shakespeare for a political purpose.