His surname, Morgan, is the name of an American breed of horse.
The Morgan, considered by many horse people to be the one authentic American original breed, has a body of lore that borders on mythology.
American breeds of cattle are raised only on the humid sub-tropical east, along with some sheep and goats.
The Santa Gertrudis was the first American breed of beef cattle.
It's time to get a soft fruit project under way , with a range of autumn berries as well as American breeds.
Now two thoughts came together: the pigs were not a North American breed, and neither was the cat.
The last in particular became master horse breeders, and developed one of the first distinctly American breeds, the Appaloosa.
Landrace were subsequently used in numerous comparisons with American breeds.
It is the oldest American breed of swine.
The organization places an emphasis on North American breeds and breeders.