If an American places third, he or she would pocket $20,000, as opposed to $10,000 for foreigners.
It was pretty well an ideal town-one of those rare American places where you wouldn't need a car.
The elections seem far away now, though in 1996 this middle American place again offered an unobstructed view of the forces shaping national politics.
Lafayette Park was for years one of those defeated American places.
It seemed as though moderation had finally returned to this middlemost of American places.
His vision of American places is both shockingly ordinary and pristine, like something never before focused on.
More recently, the space has been occupied by An American Place.
The arrival of skilled individuals arguably makes America a more American place.
Podunk is the archetypical name of American places, real and imagined.
Like many American places, Byhalia has a complicated history of race relations.