The thing is, though, since when did a person's access to the internet become a 1st amendment right?
City officials have made it clear they support the first amendment rights of the individuals in the camp.
It'll happen one day when people finally decide to fully exercise their 2nd Amendment right.
To congress, and the people: point 1: businesses don't have first amendment rights, only individuals within it do.
But for those, the 14th Amendment right to liberty will have been superfluous.
Americans, he said, would not allow their Second Amendment right to bear arms to be taken away from them.
I'm not retarded, I invoked my 5th amendment rights and didn't say anything so now they are taking everything.
The students say their First Amendment rights had been violated by the school district.
Within the organization, now existed a group of members whose central concern was Second Amendment rights.
An extremely controversial show that stretched the limits of first amendment rights.