His tenure saw the formation of many lay organizations - the Altar Guild, Daughters of the king, St. Catherine's Guild, and others - all devoted to working with the church on a variety of projects.
Anita introduced me to the Altar Guild.
The sisters make altar linens to order, and founded the Altar Guild at St. Thomas Anglican Church.
Mrs. Watts, an Episcopalian, was director of the Altar Guild of the Church of St. Uriel the Archangel in Sea Girt for more than 40 years.
Margrethe serves in the Altar Guild; I pass the plate on the Sabbath and serve on the finance board.
Anyone but Florio Not so Diane Rossiter, an Edison housewife who does volunteer work for the P.T.O., the Altar Guild and the Girl Scouts.
One of the ladies of the church's Altar Guild, who serve in this novel as a sort of deploring Greek chorus, asks, "You suppose the whole world is living in sin?"
(The National Cathedral is now offering an annual weeklong residential program, "Flower Arranging for Holy Spaces"; for information, call the Altar Guild at 202-537-6200.)
The Altar Guild held its first meeting Oct. 30.