The Allies assembled another army and planned for a summer offensive.
The Allies planned a series of coordinated offensives for 1916.
After this, the Allies planned an invasion of the French mandates.
But the United States and its allies also plan to stress the need for conventional arms reductions by developing nations.
They also face the possibility of further terrorism as the United States and its allies plan a counterattack.
Herodotus is not clear on where the Allies planned to meet this detachment, only that they resolved to do so.
As support for the ground operations, the Allies planned their largest tactical bombing of the war, with employing more than 4,500 planes.
The Western allies planned intervention influenced the Soviet government to seek an agreement.
"We're delighted with the reports the United States and its allies are planning to parachute in supplies."
So the allies planned a reverse ambush; lying in wait for Falconsbane when he came to take the young ones.