Alison Smith from cbc.
Alison Smith, a tax expert at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, said that the decision to keep the threshold at £10,600 would have a growing effect over time.
Alison Smith of Clarence, N.Y., who had set the record of 5-10 1/2 several weeks ago, was second at 5-11.
Alison Smith is a shop assistant in a department store in London.
John Cordner and Alison Smith were one of the unlucky couples to have their wedding cancelled.
Name All the Animals is a 2004 memoir by Alison Smith, detailing the aftermath of the death of her eighteen-year old brother.
It is based on the short story The Specialist, by Alison Smith.
His co-host as of September, 2009 is Alison Smith.
Alison Smith, acting Assistant Attorney General in charge of the antitrust division, said the acquisition would undercut competition.
Alison Smith, the owner, said: "Claiming the national title has always been our ambition, it's the ultimate goal in our industry.