Today, Native Americans native to the area, live in and around Alexander Valley, where they also live on reservations granted by the government.
One of the best for current drinking comes from Murphy Goode in the Alexander Valley.
I came in to buy the Silver Oak, Alexander Valley, cabernet, the '95.
Alexander settled on his tract in what is now Alexander Valley.
And of course, the Alexander Valley is in Sonoma.
The Dry Creek area in what is now the Alexander Valley was then prime agricultural land.
It's worth another 30 minutes on the road, preferably on Route 128, up through the gorgeous Alexander Valley.
He retired in the 1980s and began growing grapes at a vineyard in California's Alexander Valley.
Just over the hill is the Alexander Valley with its world-class cabernets.
From his studio in a converted garage, he could look out on lush vineyards and on the mountains across the Alexander Valley.