But an Albany lawyer who is representing the opponents of the rules, Bartley J. Costello 3d, disagreed.
A revised environmental statement should be submitted by the end of June, said Daniel A. Ruzow, an Albany lawyer representing the school.
Mr. Murray, an Albany lawyer who more typically represents the interests of nursing homes, has had some significant victories in his battle to stop casinos.
Terence Kindlon is a longtime Albany lawyer who agreed with the appellate court's decision and believes the officers will get a fair trial in Albany.
Mark Morris, the Albany lawyer who runs the insurance operation, said other laws made each participating hospital vulnerable to unlimited liability claims.
"It is giving us an opportunity as a profession to respond to the need that everyone agrees is there," said Mr. Yanas, an Albany lawyer.
Enter Timothy M. Tippins, an Albany lawyer who increasingly specializes in cross-examining forensic experts.
Donald Kinsella, an Albany lawyer representing Taylor, said it had filed an appeal.
An Albany lawyer retained by the company said it had done nothing wrong, and this past weekend Mr. Green denied accepting free transportation from the company.
It has also hired Thomas J. Spargo, an Albany lawyer who is an expert in election law.