After the war, he held several government posts, and might have been the first American administrator of Alaska Territory.
Supposedly he also served as the first American administrator of Alaska Territory.
He was appointed Governor of Alaska Territory and served from 1918 till 1921.
Benny's design was chosen to represent the future of the Alaska Territory.
Reassigned to Alaska Territory in late 1946.
In 1949, the Alaska Territory instituted an income tax which the state of Alaska would maintain until 1980.
In 1900, Skagway was incorporated as the first city in the Alaska Territory.
January 3, 1959 Alaska Territory was admitted as the 49th state, Alaska.
At this time, Nome was the largest city in the Alaska Territory.
In 1887, she emigrated to the Alaska Territory with her parents, who worked as a troupe of actors to entertain the miners.