Rapport is an Afrikaans-language newspaper in South Africa.
"In white politics, the moment of truth has dawned," Die Burger, Cape Town's influential Afrikaans-language newspaper, said today.
Sergio confessed through his lawyer today after Beeld, an Afrikaans-language newspaper, published pictures of both brothers in the race wearing the same number.
He edited Die Transvaaler and Rapport, two Afrikaans-language newspapers loyal to the National Party.
Du Preez founded Vrye Weekblad, an Afrikaans-language weekly newspaper, in November 1988.
An Afrikaans-language newspaper, Die Burger, contended that Mr. de Klerk's situation had become intolerable.
While he began a bustling law practice, his brother, an ordained minister, became a leading editor of an Afrikaans-language newspaper.
Die Burger is a daily Afrikaans-language newspaper, published by Naspers.
Then, this last weekend, he was quoted in an Afrikaans-language newspaper calling the commission "a circus" and saying he would not testify.
Today, as if in gratitude, the leading Afrikaans-language newspaper, Beeld, had a huge picture of a soccer game on its front page.