African-American professionals have rediscovered the neighborhood.
After the end of segregation, African-American professionals began to patronize other neighborhoods, and members of the African American middle class moved out of the Fifth Ward.
HBCUs graduate over 50% of African-American professionals, 50% of African-American public school teachers, and 70% of African-American dentists.
In reality, the city was planning on making a recruiting drive to bring African-American professionals to the city.
But now, Black Diamonds is just one of several promotional groups that concentrate on African-American professionals.
He said some barriers had been removed for African-American professionals in recent years because some newer networking tools, like Internet chat rooms and e-mail, are essentially colorblind.
This sort of thing happens to African-American professionals often.
Initially, BlackPlanet was designed as a way for African-American professionals to network.
"African-American professionals, who have a higher presence proportionately in areas such as personnel, advertising and human relations, should consider profit-center areas, such as marketing and sales," he said.
It was in 1987 that, twelve African-American professionals decided to find a way to accommodate a growing need to network and socialize in quiet sophisticated, upscale surroundings.