The biggest gamble of the past election was made by the African-American leadership.
The African-American leadership has a lot of angst about this," he said, adding: "It's not just a black problem, but we are the most acutely affected.
But he added of the battle over Chief Parks, "Absolutely, this has implications for the status of the African-American leadership in the city."
He's the walking symbol of the best of African-American leadership in a city where there is a feeling they are in danger.
Our city government, not used to strong African-American leadership, views any complaints as dissension.
They formed the bedrock of an emerging black elite and were disproportionately represented in the African-American leadership during Reconstruction and well into the 20th century.
Not the older African-American political leadership (but they'll all bark like a pit bull over the lyrics they don't like).
It is not an absence of "African-American leadership."
"I think it is time for a new generation of African-American leadership," Mr. Muhammad said.
Alas, not only is this growing worse, but misguided ethnic pride on the part of African-American leadership and mistaken liberal policy are exacerbating it.