This animated short movie is a poetic adaptation by Kenneth Shofela Coker of an African myth: The seeking of identity in hard days.
African myths and rituals were the focus of many of his documentaries, but he also occasionally turned them into fictional material for feature films.
Additionally, they do not believe themselves descended from Caine (the first vampire), but rather view their existence in relation to various African myths and legends.
The screenplay's authors state they were influenced by both various traditional African myths as well as Shakespeare's story in creating this film.
He sounds like an African myth.
Youssouf Bath of the Ivory Coast paints images of daily life and African myth with indigenous juices and powders.
I've read your work on African myths in Archaeology Today.
Across a wavy blue screen flashes the text of an African myth explaining the origin of water, the sun and the moon.
The result of this cultural destruction and reeducation was the development of the African myth.
The stories capture the casual or determined oppression of men and women, the tenderness of human affection and the powerful rhythm of African myth.