Its space in Tenafly has a rotunda, which is illuminated by a skylight and meant to recall an African hut.
Hike through lush green terrain, past stunning mountain ranges and simple African huts with thatched roofs.
Beyond it, the traditional African huts were replaced by long wooden shacks like slave dwellings.
As the second verse begins, the singer is seen in an African hut lying on the floor, surrounded by female dancers.
African hut or whatever, I hope Holly has, too.
Its stepped, arched roof, overlaid in copper, is intended to recall an African hut, and an adjacent bell tower is patterned after an African obelisk.
Incidentally, the round African hut is highly appropriate for keeping cool in hot sun because it presents a smaller surface area than a square building would.
The 100-foot-diameter dome over the museum's rotunda, a complex tracery of glass and steel against the sky, is designed to look like an African hut.
He had begun, in 1923, with a low, circular dwelling that was intended to resemble an African hut and which he called "the maternal hearth."
Nearby was a series of round African huts known as bandas and a lodge run by the African Pearl safari tour company.